My new exciting life as told to me by a dream

As I begin to transition from working to being unemployed, living in Mudville and moving to Muckville, I face a lot of unknowns. Thankfully, I have my dreams to help me interpret a course of action through these bewildering times. Last night's dream--largely influenced by a fancy dinner with bottles of red wine at a local restaurant of note--featured me hanging out with a cast of waiters, chefs and maitre d's (sp?). Before the crowds came, we ate and discussed the food on the menu, gossiped about the staff and held court with the talented and passionate chef. In the dream there was a restaurant coach, a woman whose job it was to make sure the waiters kept it together and the pantries were stocked. When the coach completely messed up her knee--as in she walked in with blood all over her--I was offered the job.
Suddenly I had a new career and a new group of friends with which to eat and drink. The pay was much less and the work much physically harder but the play was of the highest caliber.
I don't remember the chef looking as sexy as the celebrated Anthony Bourdain but the lifestyle was very Kitchen Confidential.