10 sad things

1. Michael Jackson repeatedly turning around to wave to his fans while being escorted to his trial.
2. The theory of the universe: ever since I was a kid this one has gotten to me. Before the Big Bang there was just nothing. And after the universe expands it will collapse back to nothing.
3. Finishing a good book. I can't stand that. I will do anything to avoid the last page.
4. My parents. They sleep in separate bedrooms.
5. Gena Rowlands in any Cassavettes movie. That look of bewilderment, loss and anger that engulfs her face before she breaks down completely and delivers herself to us.
6. Karen Dalton. I discovered her music only a few years ago going by a staff rec of my local music shoppe. She sang the blues like a folksinger would and played a 12 string guitar. She is the white Billie Holiday.
7. The last day of school. I'm not a teacher (nor a student) anymore, but I can still feel this in the air every year it comes around. Saying goodbye, missed opportunites, the excitement of summer, and having to start all over again in the Fall.
8. The empty boxes in my house right now wherein my boyfriend is going to pack all his things.
9. The last piece of pie with the last sip of coffee.
10. Falling asleep with the tellie on. I wish it was like the old days when the station turned off and went to static a la Poltergeist.

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