the offending dog

you can discover the darnedest things about a town reading the local rag's police logs or talking to cabbies about their gun laws [editor's note: this one is purely stolen from a david sedaris short story and is not actually anything casey's done...yet.]
here are some of the highlights from the Carmel Pine Cone:
Feb 27
A vehicle was parked by San Carlos Street with expired registration. The vehicle was towed.
Ex-boyfriend continued to harass his girlfriend with phone calls to her workplace. The suspect has been told by an officer to stop but continues to call anyway.
Engine was dispatched at 1625 hours to report of a person stuck in the elevator in the building at Junipero and Fifth. Upon arrival, found a building under construction with no elevator yet installed.
Unknown suspects stole more than $20,000 in golf clubs during a burglary at the golf club on Carmel Valley Road.
A 53-year-old female reported she lost a wheel cover to her 1997 BMW on 02-09 on Carmel Valley Road somewhere between Highway 1 and Chelsey Road.
March 1
Female Casanova Street resident reported a chirping sound coming from her kitchen. She also saw a beige sedan across the street that left when she went toward it. She wanted the incident documented.
Female reported she lost a diamond from her ring setting. The stone is described as a rose cut — 1/3 carat. She believes that she lost the stone in the area of Mission and Fifth or at the Monterey Airport on or about 02-28.
March 2
Female indicated that a male subject contacted her as she was leaving her hotel room on Lincoln Street. Initially, the subject was sitting in a black-colored vehicle parked adjacent to her room. He exited the vehicle and contacted her. The subject asked her for a date. She did not accept his invitation and left. Later on, the subject forwarded the female a letter via the front desk clerk of the hotel. The letter indicated he would attempt to contact her Friday morning, 03-04, between 0900 and 0915 hours. A close patrol is requested.
A female called the desk advising she saw a male subject take a surfboard out of another pickup parked on Scenic and put it in his. This occurred between noon and 1300 hours. The subject had a black pickup with a “for sale” sign in the window. As of this report, no thefts reported.
Female stated she was walking her daughter’s pet dog when another dog began to charge at her while they were on Mission Street. The owner of the offending dog came out to intervene. The female called to report what had occurred. Met with the citizen who owns the offending dog and counseled him in regards to the Carmel Municipal Code statutes. No further action.
A 45-year-old female Forest Lake Road resident reported having ongoing problems with her ex-husband.
March 3
During the evening, unknown suspect(s) stole 20 folding chairs from the alley behind an Ocean Avenue restaurant.
Subject reported a number of items left behind in the Del Mar parking lot. The subject believed it was suspicious and called police. It appeared the items may have
been forgotten. The items were booked into the CPD property room.
Female reported her lady’s wristwatch missing from her bedroom in the residence at Casanova and Palou. The watch was last seen on Monday. She believes it was stolen but could not provide any information or evidence to support a theft.
A 44-year-old male Robinson Canyon Road resident reported the door to his trailer kicked in by a Buddhist monk who then threatened him.
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