Permanent Booty Call, yea or nay?

So Booty Call, henceforth to be known as BC, rang me up last night and wanted to see "how I was doing." Could this be a sign of something more permanent evolving here? Is he suggesting he be my main Booty mate? Is this a good thing? Let's look at the pros and the cons of the situation.
Con: BC, being an ex, is someone I vowed I would never sleep with again.
Pro: I am a much better human being when getting laid.
Con: Having a permanent BC could keep me from pursuing other more meaningful relationships.
Pro: Do I really need more meaningful relationships?
Con: It cuts into my blogging time.
Pro: It could give me something interesting to blog about.
Con: He smokes cigarettes.
Pro: What's wrong with cigarettes?
Con: He drank all of my single malt.
Pro: He's not there in the morning.
Con: I know all his worst traits.
Pro: No surprises.
Con: Nothing more can ever be wrought out of this union, so why even pursue it?
Pro: Thank God!
All in all, it looks like the pros might be winning. Yea or nay?
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