Ahead of the curve

After setting my clock forward and assuming last Sunday was Easter, I got off to a bit of a rocky start today. Nonetheless, after waiting for Bachelorette for over an hour and a half(!), we got down to the business of the day: strategic goal planning. As part of our government-sponsored artist-in-rehab training we're supposed to meet once a month to write down all our goals and then turn them in for evaluation. OK, in our case, it's more like once every three months, but, as it turns out, this was particularly good timing. After reviewing the goals I had written three months ago, I realized that, "getting O on board to have a baby" just wasn't gonna happen any time soon. A lot of crossing out, a lot of rearranging, and our priorities were becoming more and more aligned: hers "dating more" and mine: "start dating".
We then had to come up with an action plan. In other words, what are the small steps we could take in order to achieve our goals? I thought one solution might be to get a dog. Chicks with dogs seem so approachable! And yet, so obviously single! Having a dog would also put the kabash on the disease that seems to be going around: "the need to have a baby" and, thus, we would be killing two birds with one stone.
Bachelorette thought having her friends set her up, could be a viable option she hadn't yet fully explored. We quickly ran through our own list of available men with whom we could set each other up. Basically, the list included two kinds of men: those we had formerly dated and those we would never in a million years date. As we compared notes we realized that many of the men I had put in the never-in-a-million-years category, were, of course, men she was currently dating.
Finally, although we are both in the artist recovery program, we agreed art residencies were the perfect place for romantic hook-ups. We'd heard many o'tale of passionate coupling and prolific art-making, and in some cases even, passionate coupling amid prolific art-making. We weren't quite sure, though, if our sponsors would go for that. But it definitely merited further exploration.
After the strategic planning session I have to say, I felt pretty lousy. Sensing my mood shift, Bachelorette told me she had read somewhere that 90% of heterosexual relationships fail. And the fact that I had been in two somewhat successful almost-3-year relationships actually put me way ahead of the curve.
Photo blatantly pilfered from the Cremaster Cycle...I haven't seen them neither.
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