Conversation with another female artist...

...who, like me, is not really making a lot of art at the moment. Her excuse is that she is a new mom. We can't quite figure out what mine is. But over lunch we talked a lot about making art and it was as if we were going to actually make some! We came up with many ideas: a handful of screenplays, one or two video installations, a bizillion documentaries, the crying log quilt, and then there were the tiny packing tape boxes, my specialty, and sure to be a hit at the next Biennial. All of our ideas were original, never-been-done before, one-of-a-kinders, very cutting edge, so I can't share them here. But with my contacts at the Home and Garden Channel and her contacts in her mommy group, we feel pretty positive that Jerry Bruckheimer will be calling us back soon.
Really, the whole lunch made me feel a helluva lot better (and no, it wasn't just the sake talking). So much better, that by the end of the meal I was actually able to say Miranda July that bitch at least a coupla times. OK I said it many times, and kept slamming down my sake cup for emphasis until we were asked to leave.
But when I left, I was whistling.
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