I know, I know

I am sure you are all wondering where the hell have I been? The good news is that I am still here. Happily, working on a covert operation that will make one day result in making me feel like a better human being. That is the hope anyways. And no, it is not plastic surgery! I am sure that when I have to go back to work, I will once again be able to find the bottomless supply of time needed to post here and comment on all your very special blogs.
At the moment I can't say too much more. However, I would like to direct your attention to a wonderful site that gives me great joy just knowing of its existence. It reaffirms my faith in humanity that someone is doing such an admirable job of archiving our trash, chronicling it, and offering it back up to us as treasures: SWAPATORIUM. The photo posted here is culled from there.
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