Because it's fun. Because it's satisfying. And because this is a wholly unoriginal idea--I bring to you The Best Of 2005: Google Searches That Brought Folks Here. Interesting only to me, I'm sure, but an easy post to dash off from work. In order of relevance to me:
A search for "Miranda July never went to art school." YES, nor did I! Unless film school counts.
How about "accidentally killing a cat?" Fortunately something that I didn't actually do.
Multiple searches for the "plural of massuese." People, how many times?! Can we just lay it to rest? It's masseese!
One "fear of elevators- news stories." I have many fears and it surprises me I haven't gotten more hits on all of them.
A "booty call frequency." 'Nuff said.
How about "Clay Christmas Figures?" Yes, we remember those fondly.
One person trying for "'the rainbow connection' song gay." I hope they found whatever the hell they were looking for.
"log sexy casey" Can't possibly imagine the answer to this request.
And actually one that is near and dear to my heart: "michael cazian" Is someone out there searching for him too?
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