Exhibit A
Omar dreamt that he hadn't seen me in two years and that I became a Born Again.
Exhibit B
A woman I know once dated a man. They had been dating not too long when they rented the movie, Who's Afraid of Virgina Wolf? They decided it would be a brilliant idea to get really drunk and scream and yell at each other much like Burton and Taylor did in the movie. Just really let each other have it. Well, things were said and not forgotten and the relationship ended pretty much that night. What they failed to remember was that the characters in the movie had been married a very long time.
Exhibit C
I have still not found a roommate and thank you for asking. I did receive a promising email from a QueenMelina_superQT@hotmail.com who apparently is a model in Nigeria and can have HER LAST BOSS WHO OWES HER MONEY AND WILL DO WHATEVER SHE ASKS forward me the rent for the room.
Exhibit D
Did anyone read that Tessa Brown short story from Harper's? Friggin floored me in its flawlessness.
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